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CHALKBOARD WITH A BAD ERASER is a collection of poems from and of my late adolescence. Written in a style I call "warped confessionalism", I "pour out" skewed truths.
It is best that people over 15 only read my book. This is not a children's book.
The book has a 1995 copyright and was published in 1996.
Some of my poems are cited in the Dr. Sharon Klayman Farber book "When The Body Is The Target: Pain, Self Harm and Traumatic Attachments".
According to the Barnes & Noble Astor Place staff, I had the largest non-celebrity turn-out when I read from my book.
I would be very grateful for supporting my artistic endeavors by your purchase a copy of my book.

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A unique experience. Coffee table book. Read in 1/2 an hour.