Other Info
Contact Info
Catherine Taormina

Thank you for visiting my webpage!

I have a number of aliases depending on who I am emboding at the time (lol!) As a musician, my name is Rockstar Sissy! As a writer I am Catherine Taormina...as a character within my writing I am Madlyn Milesbesos. As a Nature Tour Guide I go by Tumbleweeda;) and as reviewer of Chocolate, I go by Madame Chocolat...or just Madame and whatever food I am reviewing (lol) I am a songwriter/composer of music and lyrics...composed primarily on the guitar. I have 24 original pop-rock-funk-punk songs. I've also written melody's for Shakespeare's lyrics. I've played Open Mics at various establishments, won prizes and performed sets and have worked with various musicians as a band. I spend time practicing lead guitar and playing bass and other stringed instruments and percussion. My performance schedule history can be found on the Rockstar Sissy portion of this website.

I dabble in artwork and have excuted a few commisions...some of my work can be found on my secret artist's page. Can you find it? I'm being tricky as I designed and maintain this website myself and can enjoy having this kind of fun.

My resume page has clickable links to see the work where I've been cast...lots of fun times and projects!

I continue to care for the environment and do the best I can to do my part in protecting it, teaching others via my nature tour guide outtings to learn about plants by identifying them. Have you found my new Secret Activist's Page! I love learning basic skills and became quite advanced in knitting, crocheting, sewing and redesigning former garments by deconstruction and construction. Have you found the secret fashion page!? For many years I was assisted by my spouse in many of my endeavors with a vision for us both...but now we are no longer together.

The Thing About My Folks with Peter Falk, Paul Reiser, Olympia Dukakis and Elizabeth Perkins has remained my most notable accomplishment within my silver screen endeavors. I look forward to using my abilities again within the motion picture industry. I have garnered a few more credits listed on www.imdb.com. In the meantime, I continue to expand my behind-the-scenes skills to create my own cinematic specs many of which I post on my youtube and social media pages. I look forward to creating more music videos soon in my spare time.

More About My Book "Chalkboard With A Bad Eraser"
Here are some specifics about my book. I designed the whole thing. The layout is one poem a page. It is an odd size as well 7-1/2" wide and 9" tall. It takes 1/2 hour to read when you're cruisin'. It's 96 pages. ISBN: 0-964277-4-4-1. Published by Broken Star Press.

More About My Book "My Steaks Are Rare Put Up Your Dukes You Ain't In The Ring With No Porkchop"
This book is hand made, hand bound print to order. Will be adding a photo of it to my writer page soon!

My "Catch Catherine" Show never took off but I keep this memorial here cuz really, the name is cool (lol).

In late 2007, I had the misfortune of getting cancer and I went through 6 months of chemotherapy to get rid of Hodgkin's Lymphoma finishing treatment in July 2008. It was an extremely horrific time yet at times I was still able to be creative and have fun. It was a time where I reorganized priorities and people and allowed some stressful workaholic habits to fall by the wayside. It took many years later to learn what Type A is and what that did to me and though it was a hard thing for me to do, years later I've finally achieved relaxation full time - that is, the ability to have a tranquil quality while working. Below is a link for an organization FirstDescents.org which I feel is the best organization for survivors and patients. Other organizations I endorse are CancerAthletics.org, stupidcancer.org, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, VoicesOfSurvivors.com, PlanetCancer.com. CancerCare.org and others. In May 2009 I ran a 1/2 marathon for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Fundraising Team-In-Training Organization and I raised over $3,000.00 with the help of my generous friends and loved ones. Because of this fundraising requirement, I expanded my skills and was able to then fundraise for my own artistic endeavors and also became philanthropic - I occassionaly offer free Central Park Nature Tours for First Descents. In June 2011 I attended a mind-blowing Rock Climbing camp with First Descents and had the fortune of being selected as 1 of 3 survivors featured in one of their documentaries by 3-time Emmy Award winning Serac Adventure Films Company.

photo of my artwork
I got rid of my old paints all on one nice colorful painting now hanging in my living room.

Contest entry video page!

Click photo to see this one...!
CHEESEBOY Contest Video!!!

Catherine's Cheeseboy Contest Entry Link
photo of me making paper
One year I made paper from paper. I couldn't believe that my own junk mail, I collected in 3 months, weighed like 60 lbs.!
photo of me and my pennies
I collect coins; especially pennies
- I have over 30,000!
(All sorted by date)
photo of me and my shirt
Me wearing a shirt I designed. It's my tree lady jumping free!
photo of me going horseback riding
Me just about to go horseback riding for the first time.
me on my public access show
I love wigs and costumes! I love the different looks I can have - even though I have no where to put all the stuff. Here I am on my public access show viewed from the internet.
Website designed and maintained by Catherine Taormina
In 6 days I learned how to build and launched this website. Here I am with books from the NY Public Library learning how to do it!
Websites I recommend:
Nick Addeo Website Logo
me making gigantic soap bubbles
Making giant soap bubbles in Central Park.
Catherine Taormina Stupid Cancer Link
Catherine Taormina First Descents Link